Our 2nd OEC Judge

The 2nd judge for the open European Championship will be…
Anja Magnussen Schüller from Norway

Anja says:
My name is Anja M. Schüller and I come from Norway. I live with my 7 year old daughter and three dogs. I started to train freestyle in 2005 with my Finnish Lapphund called Frekja. She is know 11,5 years young, and she was the first dog in Norway to compete in HTM (everyone else preferred freestyle until this summer). She is a very sweet and noisy little dog, but she hasn’t been easy to motivate and we have never been able to come very far in the ring, sadly, but we have had lots of fun on our journey.

Our goal now is to reach intermediate levels in both freestyle and HTM and compete once on that level before she retires. And after that, hopefully my new star will rise in the ring. Her name is Spotnik’s Feminine Folly, or Ellie, and she is a 2 years old Dalmatian. She has only been with us for 4 weeks, but already she starts to look like a spotted HTM-star. Her mother has already competed in freestyle, so she has a reputation to live up to. My last dog is a 13 year old Finnish Lapphund. He has trained some freestyle, but never competed. He likes to do what he wants, when he wants it…

I have been a certified judge since January 2010, the same amount of time that HTM has been an official dog sport here in Norway. I feel so honoured to be able to judge in the OEC, and I am really looking forward to come to Denmark in October.

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1 Response to Our 2nd OEC Judge

  1. Pingback: everything is ready for the OEC 2011 | DogSportMag

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